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True security by design

Peter Soulsby
Head of Cyber Security

An increasingly challenging security landscape requires a deeper, broader, more complete approach to security – an approach where security is designed, developed and delivered as critical and integral, rather than ‘added-on’ after the fact. ‘Secure always’ isn’t just a mantra for us, it’s an imperative.”

Security is in our DNA

Brennan’s early years in emergency system recovery means we understand the true cost of system outages, failures and breaches better than anyone.

That’s why we have developed a market-leading, systemised security culture and approach that makes security a fundamental in every aspect of a customer’s technology ecosystem, from design and deployment through to risk identification and rapid recovery.

We build security into the blueprint of how your whole business operates.

Beyond the standard

Brennan’s Cybersecurity Architecture doesn’t just provide superior breadth of protection. It offers the highest standards too.

With us, ISO 27001 is only one part of a multi-layered set of standards and safeguards. Brennan security experts layer local, industry, and bespoke client protocols into each customer’s security regime to give you next level confidence; the confidence of knowing we are not just managing ‘generalised’ risks, but also protecting you from the ‘actual’ risks that are more specific to you and your business.

Importantly, our hybrid, multi-layered standards are applied across our own systems, those we share with customers, and to customer-owned technologies. Brennan security means higher standards, applied to every link in the technology chain.

Prevention. Detection. Response. Innovation.

Malicious intent and malevolent action never sleeps and never stops. And with the work of bad actors now bolstered by the emergence of AI, the threats are becoming increasingly insidious.

The antidote? A continuous investment in tools, technology, and tactics on every front, spanning forensic, vCISO, SOC, Governance, Risk, and Compliance.

Where an MSSP will apply detection tools to detect risks, prevent incidents and spot breaches, Brennan’s broader and more sophisticated capabilities mean we go further – extending from prevention and detection to response, recovery, and ongoing improvement.

Combined with our advanced digital transformation and IT operations capabilities, this means we not only see threats sooner, but we are also able to respond to them with urgency and effectiveness. With reputations and revenue on the line, we take accountability for your security as seriously as we do our own.

Explore our solutions

Protection that is as continuous, comprehensive and uncompromising as the risks you face.

Why customers are giving us 80+ NPS across industries

The ultimate proof of delivery comes from our customers and their users:
Brisbane Catholic Education

An increase in the number and frequency of cyber security events was overwhelming BCE’s internal operations team and leaving the school network at a high risk of security compromise.

Strengthened security posture
Threat response time and costs reduced
Security reporting accuracy increased
Learn more

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