When your partner goes rogue
Bringing down the hammer to break an existing agreement is no small ask. There are the sunken costs; the binding agreements; the time, energy, and money that a reboot with a new partner would demand.
But if you’re not obtaining the desired outcomes, it might be time to re-evaluate your approach. Start by assessing your current provider’s performance against the promised benefits. Are they delivering on the agreed-upon SLAs and KPIs? Are you getting the business value you expected? If not, consider the following steps:
1. Initiate regular performance assessments: Establish a system for regular performance evaluation (governance) at all levels of the engagement, from daily service delivery stand-ups to quarterly strategic reviews. This allows you to monitor your provider’s progress, address any issues promptly, and adjust as necessary.
At Brennan, our approach is calibrated to service delivery excellence. Regular assessments overseen by Account Managers benchmark performance against SLAs, provide risk registers, and track progress on IT roadmaps.
2. Redefine clear objectives: Things change quickly, and the contract that looked hunky-dory when you signed last year may no longer be fit for purpose this year. Revisit your goals and expectations and communicate these transparently to your current provider to ensure alignment.
Before we even consider proposing solutions, we listen. Our pre-sales and practice specialists focus on your needs and goals. And every solution contains clear lines of accountability, underpinned with KPIs and SLAs.
3. Get renewal ready: If the service levels still aren’t hitting the bullseye, don’t let contract renewal catch you out. Open your calendar, mark down the days to expiry, then use the remaining time to absorb your learnings and inform your next steps. What worked? What didn’t? Were your expectations realistic? What would you do differently? Your answers should arm you with all the firepower you need to engage with fresh candidates and sort the sheriffs from the cowboys.
Remember, switching IT partners is a significant and potentially costly decision, and it’s crucial to approach it with careful consideration. But by drawing on past experiences and learnings, you can make informed choices that align with your current and future business needs.